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Discover (What Is It?)

Overreaction Sports Radio’s mission is to become the “Voice of the Fan” while providing a commercial free Buffalo Football content provider as well as real fan connection for the Mafia. Every member of the Mafia in the world., from the youngest to the oldest fan is consuming content, we want to create a network that will have the ability to reach and relate to every fan, wherever they are.

Over the last ten years Internet “Radio” (Podcasts) as a medium for alternative sports content has seen explosive growth, both in terms of listeners, new stations/networks, as well as content creators, but is still in its infancy stage. We plan to offer a real LIVE connection to the fans through an app available on every smart device and soon, every new vehicle.

Overreaction Sports Radio will be a live full functioning “radio” station and will leverage the power of the internet and the devices already in our audience’s hands. Using this strategy, the station is constantly on air 24/7 without fail and we would cater to the Mafia on a global scale.

Our Co-Founder, Joe Miller, has put together a few short videos to go into further detail on WHAT, HOW, WHO and WHEN this vision will LAUNCH and exactly how YOU can be a part of seeing the future become reality for the Buffalo Sports fan.

Great question.

Overreaction Sports Radio will be a full functioning, commercial free, Buffalo Sports Radio station coming to the most passionate fanbase in the world this fall if things go as we hope they will.

It will be the “Voice” of the fan brought to you by fans, just like you.

Are you ready for passionate, authentic and amazing coverage of our favorite football team, completely COMMERCIAL FREE? Watch this video to discover more.

Overreaction Sports Radio will literally be delivered COMMERCIAL FREE right to the palm of your hand. However, as technology continues to grow and digital distribution continues to advance, imagine getting in your car anywhere in the world and touching an app on your dashboard and immediately LIVE sports coverage of the Bufffalo Bills hits your speakers.  Everything to make this a reality is in place, we just need your help to get us launched.

Once live the station will operate behind a paywall but dont fear, it will cost less than a frothy cup of coffee from your go to spot every morning.

Overreaction Sports Radio is a dream birthed by our Co-Founders, Joe Miller and James Pennington. Both of them have large followings now in the alternative sports content market through podcasts and live Youtube shows. However, its time to take that content mainstream. 

Joe will host the daily 6am-9am show called “The Grind” and JSpence will host the 9am-12pm show called “The Code with the King.”

There will be other show hosts to round out the roster, but we cannot disclose that information yet. But stay tuned. 🙂

This is the biggest question. And it’s one we cannot answer…. YET. However, the plan is to launch September 1st, 2021 right before the season starts but that is wholly dependent upon raising enough money to launch the site. You see, in order to do this, we have to pay salaries and THAT is the biggest hurdle right now. Not the technology, not the talent, and certainly not having something exciting to talk about, nope… we need to raise money to pay people a living wage.

The launch goal is $250,000. Once we hit that goal we will GO LIVE, whether September or October or whenever, when that goal is met, we will be on the air. The end goal is $500,000 to pay for all the things that go into starting and maintaining a quality sports talk radio station.

Interested in buying into Ownership?

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